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Saturday, 3 May 2008


a Surprise award from Susan of BissfulArtist, Thanks Susan a lovely surprise.
i am passing it on to Andrea in Paris, Bridgette in USA. and Margaret (digital gran) in Wales.
Have a lovely weekend everybody.


Digitalgran said...

Many congratulations Genie and I'm thrilled that you felt I deserved it.

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

thanks jean! :)

Unknown said...

Hey Jean, thanks for your comment and for this award, I didn't see this nice post before, I'm so sorry I didn't come earlier to thank you:)
Great, this makes my day
have a wonderful day
TW, google blogger has classified my CESTANDREA blog as a spam temporarily, I have sent a request for "examination" hope they set me free soon:)
in the meantime, I posted pictures on miss doodle's blog, from where I COME FRom:)