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Sunday, 21 September 2008

Goodies in the Post

Posted by Picasa Goodies in the Post this week, from Margaret Field an ATC swap we did Via Flickr, The Glamorous Granny By Annette From my JAV group, ie June Annette Vicky (JAV) we do a Themed swap each month,
Hope you all have had a good week,
DH and I went to Gloucester yesterday for the day to meet up with my cousin from Australia who i had not seen for 40 years, we had a lovely day and visited the church where some of our ancestors got married St mary De Lode , not far from the Cathedral.
I am off to Honfleur, Normandy France next Friday with my Art friends from Dorset, Hope the weather holds.

Monday, 15 September 2008

A Little Birdie Flew in

A Little Birdie flew in from Ati in Norway, we arranged a swap from my new ATC's on Flickr on Saturday, and i was pleasantly surprised when it arrived this morning, i wonder how long mine will take to get to Norway.

I took nine of my larger art and arranged them on a canvas, Suggested by Susan, Thanks Sue.

not a lot else to show, we went walking on Dartmoor yesterday afternoon, and found a wood wasp nest and a furry caterpillar that neither of us had ever seen before, Photos on flickr

Saturday, 13 September 2008

ATC techniques

the ATC i have just finished are a mix of all sorts, some started off as collages, some just background papers and failed watercolours, i just went for it with Gesso / texture paste, spray colour wash, Silver spray paint, beeswax, embossing powder,Glue gunned shapes, embossed glass , shells, floppy discs, Gilding cream,Stewart gill paints.painted embossed cd's..
no particular rhyme or reason, if i didn,t like what i had done just went for it again with more paint and embossing powder etc etc and built up texture until i was happy.
Have a fun weekend everyone!
Thanks to all who have stopped by
Jean (Genie)

Thursday, 11 September 2008

ATCs Bargain Books etc

Here's a group of Finished ATC etc i have been playing around with for awhile
Bargain Books found in the Charity shop today, Celtic Mysteries and Arthurain Legends

Single ATC i did yesterday at Art group

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Blogger being a pain

Blogger trying my patience this morning's, here the link to
agnesthered where you will find the link to her site with the rules re the Sixth inch Square club(Previous post) a bit of fun with a chance to win a prize at the end of september. are you brave enough to show your workspace on your blog or on Flickr.

"The Six Inch Square Club"

Heres a photo of my workspace, quite tidy at the moment. The Sixth inch square club is a bit of fun with a prize at the end of September, set up by Agnes The Red, click on Link below to take you to her Flickr page with a link to the rules

The Six inch square club, has been set up agnesthered

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Feeling Better

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your lovely comments, I am feeling lots better today, despite the weather!

I Received some beautiful goodies in the post this week, which helped cheer me up, a Bookmark from Anna Nowiki, 2 beautiful brooches and extras from Mary Stanley(Triciastextilechallenge) ATC from Kate North, Pin cushion from Sue Wild(UKembellisherswap)

did not have the energy to do a lot, but did manage to redo some ATCs that i had started but was not happy with, and a few bookmarks, oh and i made some Cards which i had come across in the charity shop they were large aperture cards which had material as well as a pattern for quilting, but i decided to use some of my sample embellisher pieces, which fitted in just right, there were 4 cards but i have only photographed 3 as i have already sent one as a 60th birthday for a friend in Dorset.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Monday, 1 September 2008


A Lovely Surprise for a Monday Morning, especially as i am feeling under the weather, think i have got a summer cold(lol) Any way, i recieved both these from Judy she does some wonderful felt art. My head will not cope with all the rules etc to go with these awards, but i have managed to chose 7 out of the 100s i try to visit regurly for inspiration etc. .
names as follows, i must be ill even managed to do links.
  1. Anna
  2. Jackie
  3. Kate
  4. Julie
  5. Tricia
  6. Fannie
  7. Linda