My Name is Jean,
I live in Devon England, I love Art, Photography, Wildlife and walking with My dog
My Red Bubble
Thursday, 11 September 2008
ATCs Bargain Books etc
Here's a group of Finished ATC etc i have been playing around with for awhile Bargain Books found in the Charity shop today, Celtic Mysteries and Arthurain Legends
Love your collage work/ATC's You must tell us what media you used. Will you be swapping any of these Jean? What bargains you can pick up sometimes. I am very much into all things Celtic as you probably know. You lucky thing. Still I do have quite a few books on Celtic Art already. So are you going to be inspired by these books do you think? I know I always am. You'll have to tell us what they are like. Cheers Tricia
You should consider mounting those ATCs like you show them on your blog, maybe on a big canvas or something. They look impressive all together like that.
What an amazing collection of ATC's, I can't believe how many you've made, they're beautiful!! I have the same book on Arthurian legends , I bought it in Glastonbury in a great second hand book shop for £2.0. I was doing a project on the subject at the time but never finished it :-( Your final ATC is beautiful, I love the expression on the birds face. Thank you for your comment on my 'return ' post, it's very nice to know I was missed ;-)
Wow Jean! These are all amazing and they look absolutely gorgeous all together like that - what an array of textures - they make my mouth water! You have a great holiday too!
1. I will not stuff craft supplies in every corner of my house. 2. I will not keep 9 projects going at one time 3. I will not pick more buttons, lace or fabric when i have a ton at home 4 I will not let my crafting area look like a condemmed area 5. I will not attend craft shows just to get more ideas 6. I will not relegate the kitchen table to crafts 7. i will not stock up on more craft supplies just becauce they are on sale. 8. I will not go off on a tangent when anyone mentions import 9. I will not let my crafting distract me from fixing dinner. 10. I will not stay up all night crafting. 11. I will not save dryer lint, empty cereal boxes detergent scoops etc. 12. I will not buy every craft magazine i see. 13. i will not make promises i cannot keep See you at a craft show.
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Quote From Klimt
"I have neither the spoken nor the writtenword,especially if i have to saysomething about myself or my work,Whoever wants to know something about me-as an artist,the only notable thing-ought to lookcarefully at my pictures and try and see in them what i am and what i want to do."
Love your collage work/ATC's You must tell us what media you used. Will you be swapping any of these Jean?
What bargains you can pick up sometimes. I am very much into all things Celtic as you probably know. You lucky thing. Still I do have quite a few books on Celtic Art already. So are you going to be inspired by these books do you think? I know I always am. You'll have to tell us what they are like. Cheers Tricia
Love your bird card and you certainly had a good pile of ufos to work on.
You should consider mounting those ATCs like you show them on your blog, maybe on a big canvas or something. They look impressive all together like that.
Great book bargains, good for you!
What an amazing collection of ATC's, I can't believe how many you've made, they're beautiful!!
I have the same book on Arthurian legends , I bought it in Glastonbury in a great second hand book shop for £2.0. I was doing a project on the subject at the time but never finished it :-(
Your final ATC is beautiful, I love the expression on the birds face.
Thank you for your comment on my 'return ' post, it's very nice to know I was missed ;-)
wow! fab stuff!
Wow Jean! These are all amazing and they look absolutely gorgeous all together like that - what an array of textures - they make my mouth water!
You have a great holiday too!
You have inspired me..I really must do some atcs.Lovely work.
Love your ATC' beautiful!
Beautiful textures and colours! I particularly love the paperclip inclusions! great idea! namaste Elis.
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