I have been awarded by the talented Margaret http://artistmargaretfield.blogspot.com/ ie Mop heads unite. Please visit she is a lovely lady who does some wonderful artwork.
The Rules of this award are
1. 5 People are allowed to recieve this award
2 4 dedicated followers
3. 1 New follower to your blog who lives in another part of the world.
4. Please link back to the person who gave you this award.
Now the hard part
and one new blog friend
Teresa. http://herewitht.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Genie!
Well Congratulations on getting your award Jean.
And, I like surprises too.
Thank you very much for my award.
Thanks Genie for the award and all the nice comments you leave for me:) It really cheers me up when people say nice things.
Sorry, Jean, I was so busy sorting out who to pass this on to I forgot to say thank you here too.
Thanks for the award, Bw Triciax
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