Jav Swap
Xmas Card
Have had a few goodies in the post as well.
Xmas ATC's from Connie (Jav) Xmas card from Chris Gray(UK Embellisher swap) and last but not least an ATC from Judy a Flickr swap
Sue and Terry of http://www.twocreativestudios.com/ are having a 12 days of Christmas giveaway starting on 14th Dec, you just need to sign up for their newsletter
Have a great week everyone
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love your Crafters Commandments. Since I've been blogging I'm so glad to learn that it isn't just me that hoards stuff - it may come in handy one day :)
You created wonderful surfaces here, did you play with metal? It looks wild and colourful!
Love the Cards too
Hi Genie,
You HAVE been busy!
Love that enlongated format in the first of the cards. So beautiful when enlarged,,,I can only imagine how much more in real life.
You have some wonderful goodies in this post Jean! Ha, did you mention Christmas cards, woo that time is coming up soon! Hehe, if you do decorate your doggie, I hope you share a picture!
You have certainly been busy, wish I had been making stuff, instead of travelling about. Love your tones. Your box and vessel are beautiful too.
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